AC3E researcher becomes head of Robotics line

On May 1, Dr. Marcos Orchard joined the group of senior researchers at the Advanced Center for Electrical and Electronic Engineering’s (AC3E) Robotics line, where he will lead research together with Dr. Fernando Auat-Cheein. Dr. Orchard also serves as director of the Center for Sustainable Acceleration of Electromobility (CASE) and is a full professor at the Department of Electrical Engineering of the Faculty of Physical and Mathematical Sciences at Universidad de Chile.

Dr. Orchard has been part of AC3E since its inception in 2014, starting as a research associate and member of the Control and Automation line, then Artificial Intelligence, and now Robotics. “I have always had the best impression of both the academic rigor of the work that is developed at the Center, as well as the human quality of the entire team. From the beginning, AC3E has had a positive impact on my academic development, providing the opportunity to meet and interact with brilliant people and get substantial support, always attentive and willing to help, which generates valuable opportunities to develop your academic career and encourage researchers to explore new ideas and horizons,” he said.

Robotics research confronts current and future technological challenges, with projects on predictive maintenance of robotic equipment or vehicles, autonomous vehicles, electromobility, mining, forestry, or the port sector. It covers a wide range of topics with which the Center can generate impact at the national and international levels.

Av. Manuel Antoni Matta #222
Cerro Los Placeres
Valparaíso, Chile