Valparaíso Region commits to electromobility by reactivating the Intersectoral Roundtable at AC3E

The Electromobility Board of Valparaíso Region was reactivated at the Advanced Center for Electrical and Electronic Engineering (AC3E). The Board provides a space for coordination between electromobility stakeholders in the region. Regional energy secretary Arife Mansur led the meeting, in which representatives of Movelex, INACAP Valparaíso, Duoc UC, Chilquinta, AC3E, Reborn Electric Motors, Urban Lab and Dhemax, and the regional transport and telecoms secretary took part.

The Electromobility Roundtable represents a space for collaboration coordination and synergy between public, private and academic sectors. Mansur said, “I thank all participants for their commitment and enthusiasm for this reactivation. Therefore, today we are going to start generating actions that will allow us to motivate other actors in the electromobility space that is so important both for the region and for the Ministry of Energy.”

Participants highlighted the national and regional progress in the electromobility sector and shared supporting data. Valparaíso Region operates 60 electric vehicle chargers, with installed power of 2.49MW. Transportation energy consumption corresponds to 35.3% of total consumption, as 86.6% of this figure is being attributed to land transportation.

Av. Manuel Antoni Matta #222
Cerro Los Placeres
Valparaíso, Chile