Tarapacá governor visits USM to learn about technological capabilities

As part of the Social Innovation program of the USM’s Office of Technology Transfer and Licensing (OTTL), Tarapacá governor José Miguel Carvajal met with representatives of the university and the AC3E and CCTVal research centers on April 3. Carvajal wanted to learn about the technological capacities and projects under development to find solutions to the social problems prevalent in the north of Chile.

Meeting participants included Francisco Martínez, an architect for Tarapacá regional government, regional councilor Germán Quiroz, USM Director of Innovation and Technology Transfer Aldonza Jaques, AC3E CEO Oscar Solar, representatives of OTTL and Valparaíso’s scientific and technology center (CCTVal), and of USM’s Department of Architecture.

Carvajal underlined the importance of allowing academia to participate in public policymaking and bringing knowledge and skills closer to the population. “As a region we want to be innovative and not just listen to academics and scientists but incorporate science into solutions that residents are looking for, as with housing” he added.

Jaques told the group that the university developed technologies and skills that can benefit the country, creating links with a region or places where the university is not physically present, allowing it to solve local social problems.

During the meeting, both research centers presented their respective research topics, some of their technological developments and main projects with the industry.  

After the visit, participants agreed that actors with a strategic vision and scientific capabilities that can promote productive development must get involved.

Av. Manuel Antoni Matta #222
Cerro Los Placeres
Valparaíso, Chile