
AC3E researcher is the only Chilean to win award from renowned Power Electronics journal

For the second time, Dr. Christian A. Rojas, researcher at the Advanced Center for Electrical and Electronics Engineering (AC3E) and associate professor at the Department of Electronics, received the recognition “Outstanding Reviewer Award 2021,” delivered by journal IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics (TPEL). The recognition has been given since 2013 and Dr. Rojas has been […]


AC3E researcher’s book seeks to encourage curiosity in data science

Researcher Dr. Felipe Tobar of the Advanced Center of Electrical and Electronic Engineering (AC3E), who is also an academic at Universidad de Chile, published a book entitled “A look at the era of data” with the University Publishing House. The book was co-written with Jocelyn Dunstan and Alejandro Maass, from Universidad de Chile’s Department of […]


AC3E resumes traditional Internal Seminar in face-to-face format

On March 31 and April 1, AC3E’s 2022 Internal Seminar was held, for the first time in year in face-to-face format, which was suspended due to the pandemic. Among the Center’s most important strategic activities, it brings together all members to confront the challenges in their fields. Researchers and staff analyzed the Center’s work in […]


Dr. María José Escobar returns to AC3E

The former government representative (Seremi) of Science for central Chile, María José Escobar, rejoined the Advanced Center for Electrical and Electronic Engineering (AC3E) of Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María as associate researcher, focused on the Artificial Intelligence and Data Analysis research line. Dr. Escobar left her AC3E position in November 2019 to become the first […]


Dr. María José Escobar returns to AC3E

The former government representative (Seremi) of Science for central Chile, María José Escobar, rejoined the Advanced Center for Electrical and Electronic Engineering (AC3E) of Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María as associate researcher, focused on the Artificial Intelligence and Data Analysis research line. Dr. Escobar left her AC3E position in November 2019 to become the first […]


Modern equipment and training allow AC3E to produce high-quality PCB prototypes in less time

The new facilities of the Advanced Center for Electrical and Electronic Engineering (AC3E) host state-of-the-art technology for the development of projects with high impacts in the industry and people’s quality of life. Along that line, the PCB laboratory stands out, as that’s where printed circuit boards, which are the heart of electronic or electrical devices, […]


AC3E offers Postdoctoral Position

The Advanced Center for Electrical and Electronic Engineering (AC3E) is offering postdoctoral fellowships, in any of the following lines of research of the Center: Control and Automation, Renewable Energy and PowerConversion, Robotics, Electrical Systems, Data Analytics and Computational Intelligence, and Biomedical Systems. The postdoctoral fellows are expected to design and conduct highly specialized research in […]


AC3E offers PhD Researcher Position

The Advanced Center for Electrical and Electronic Engineering (AC3E) is offering a full-time PhD Researcher position in any of the following lines of research of the Center: Control and Automation, Renewable Energy and Power Conversion, Robotics, Electrical Systems, Data Analytics and Computational Intelligence, and Biomedical Systems. Job description:• Design, organize and conduct highly specialized research […]


AC3E welcomes internships for the period 2022

During the month of January, more than 30 students joined the Advanced Center for Electrical and Electronic Engineering, AC3E, to carry out their professional practice, who will work in different areas of impact and spin off, spaces in which they can collaborate and acquire knowledge that is fundamental for their professional training, as well as […]

IEEE SPS Virtual School

The Advanced Center for Electrical and Electronics Engineering, AC3E, invites you to participate in the IEEE SPS Virtual School on “Multimodal Integration of Biomedical Data: applications in the health sciences”, a summer school of the IEEE Signal Processing Society (SPS) and co-organized by the Center’s principal researcher, Pamela Guevara, which will address topics on multimodal […]