AC3E open position for postdoctoral fellow

The Advanced Center for Electrical and Electronic Engineering (AC3E) is offering postdoctoral fellowships, in any of the following lines of research of the Center: Control and Automation, Renewable Energy and PowerConversion, Robotics, Electrical Systems, Data Analytics and Computational Intelligence, and Biomedical Systems. The postdoctoral fellows are expected to design and conduct highly specialized research in […]


AC3E researcher assumes EIVA presidency

María José Escobar, a researcher at the Advanced Center for Electrical and Electronic Engineering (AC3E), became president of EIVA, an organization that aims to accelerate and strengthen the entrepreneurship and innovation ecosystem of Valparaíso Region. She also leads USM’s outreach efforts. Dr. Escobar highlighted EIVA’s commitment to make entrepreneurship and innovation a lever of development […]

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Tarapacá governor visits USM to learn about technological capabilities

As part of the Social Innovation program of the USM’s Office of Technology Transfer and Licensing (OTTL), Tarapacá governor José Miguel Carvajal met with representatives of the university and the AC3E and CCTVal research centers on April 3. Carvajal wanted to learn about the technological capacities and projects under development to find solutions to the […]

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Limache school students visit USM research centers

On April 4, students from the Héroes de Chile school in Limache, winners of the Explora congress, visited Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María (UTFSM) to learn about science and technology. Creating a link between science and society is essential to disseminate the high-impact work developed in the laboratories and to educate people about the challenges […]

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USM academic joins AC3E’s Electrical Systems line

Dr. Andrés Mora joined the Electrical Systems research line of the Advanced Center for Electrical and Electronic Engineering (AC3E) as a research associate in April. The line researches hardware, firmware and software design for the control of power converters, develops tools for the planning, operation and control of electrical power systems and design of electricity […]


Opinion: What are the pending electromobility challenges in Chile? (G5 Noticias)

Most of Chile’s greenhouse gas emissions, the main drivers of climate change, come from energy generation and consumption, particularly the transportation sector, which accounts for 25% of the total. Chile has sought to reverse this situation, positioning itself as a regional leader in the implementation and expansion of electromobility, with initiatives such as the National […]


Chilean scientist obtains important award from Google

For the second consecutive year, Dr. Felipe Tobar, researcher at the Advanced Center for Electrical and Electronic Engineering (AC3E) and an academic at Universidad de Chile, together with student Victor Caro, won the Lara Award (Latin America Research Award), which was given for the ninth time. Their project “EEG seizure detectors: towards generalization and interpretability,” […]


AC3E conducts consultancy on electromobility in Chile

On May 19, the final workshop for a consultancy service by the Advanced Center for Electrical and Electronic Engineering (AC3E) for the Ministry of Energy and the German state-funded Agency for International Cooperation GmbH (GIZ), entitled “Support in the development of background for the definition of standards for electric vehicle chargers and installation of chargers […]


Open Position for Full Time Research Associate

The Advanced Center for Electrical and Electronic Engineering (AC3E) is offering a full-time PhD Researcher position in any of the following lines of research of the Center: Control and Automation, Renewable Energy and Power Conversion, Robotics, Electrical Systems, Data Analytics andComputational Intelligence, and Biomedical Systems. Applicants in the area of Health Technologies are particularly welcome. […]


UTSFM Center wins remote control project of Italian observatory

On October 25, the project Control System for Astri mini-array (CCS-Central Control System), requested by Italy’s National Institute of Astronomy and Astrophysics (INAF) was launched at the Advanced Center for Electrical and Electronic Engineering (AC3E) at Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María (UTSFM). The Center recently won the project and the launch event took place in […]